Follow your Passion podcast season 2 episode 4 – Randi-Lee Bowslaugh
“Writing was my escape from depression” – Randi-Lee Bowslaugh, RB Writing
Please welcome my guest Randi-Lee Bowslaugh, founder of RB Writing. Randi-Lee started writing when she was just 14 years old. At least, that’s the official age she uses as a start. After her first book, Randi-Lee wrote another book, and another book. However, those books were no sequels to the first one, but stories over different events happening in her life. You can say, pretty intense events.
Dealing with depression, an addicted brother that died and a xhild with special needs aren’t events that happen to everybody. And somehow, it happened to Randi-Lee. I wonder why.
Yet Randi-Lee is still a very positive person, It is admirable how much she has endured. And then again, she is a special person. I mean, who combines being open and vulnerable with kickboxing? Not just as a hobby, but at national level, winning prices as well!
She has a passion to let her readers know they’re not alone, giving them support through writing and speaking. I hope Randi-Lee will inspire you too.
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