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Profitable Passion Program ™

The Profitable Passion Program is the ideal coaching program when you want to make an impact
with your services or products, while making a good living with it. 

Finally the Program that will make your Passion Profitable

After six years of spending time crafting my coaching services, finetuning and testing, the breakthrough came end of 2021. The “Profitable Passion Program” was born! Instead of offering seemingly independent services, everything is now combined into one model. And the beauty is, you can directly see how all services are related to each other. 

So what is the Profitable Passion Program?

The Profitable Passion Program is a coaching program that consists of five modules. Each module can be followed seperately, and combined it will boost your business, and yourself. Someone once said: “Set goals so high you cannot achieve them, until you become the person that can” and that is exactly what this program will do. It will empower you to achieve your goals and transform you into a confident entrepreneur that loves to offer your added value, without feeling like an imposter.

Set Goals so High, you cannot Achieve them, until you Become the Person that Can

What are the five modules of the Profitable Passion Program exactly?

Below are short descriptions of the five modules. Click on the links to find out more about each one of them.


When you want to achieve your dreams and goals, you have to start with a Plan. This module is designed to create a starting point (and direction) for your business.


This module will transform you into the person that will achieve your dreams, goals, and beyond. No more doubt, no more imposter syndrome. Just become the person you’re destined to be.


When you want to make a Profit with your Passion, you have to know how to sell your added value. This module will do exactly that, while staying authentic.


Together with fellow entrepreneurs you will accelerate your growth and have fun doing it.


Without Progress, there is no achievement. You just stay where you’re at. This module will make sure you keep on growing, developing and achieving the goals you’ve set for yourself.

Profitable Passion Program

How do I know this is something for me?

Of course, it would be great if you would choose to invest in the Profitable Passion Program, but that is a Utopia. I would love to reach that level, that people just come to me and say: “I want that, how much should I invest in myself?”. 

It is not a cheap program, although everything is relative. When you invest 1 dollar and it will make you 2 dollars, or even more, that is a good investment. Same goes for 100 dollars, a thousand, ten thousand, a million. Every investment that will double your initial investment, is a good investment. Right? Naturally it does imply you have the money to invest initially. Does that mean that this program will double your investment? That is hard to say. It could, It could even triple your investment.

The only caveat about the Profitable Passion Program

The only thing about the program that we cannot influence that much is you. Your commitment, the time and effort you put into it. When you are committed to make this a success, it will be a success. If you want me to do all the heavy lifting, it will be a deception. Suppose you want to become successful, but don’t want to change, this is not for you. That’s why there is a selection at the gate. Free of charge of course. Because I want to get to know you, before I decide that my program is the best thing that can happen to you. I want you to know and feel that this program will take you to the next level. And I want to know and feel that this program will take you to the next level as well. Because, when we work toegther for at least year, we will build a long lasting relationship and we need a solid foundation for that. If one of us doesn’t feel okay about starting a cooperation, I won’t make you an offer. 

When you want to know more about the program, any questions you still might have,  have answered and want to check if this program is the one for you, click the button and plan a discovery call via zoom.

What guarantee do I get?

Very bluntly speaking, none. There is no guarantee on your success, because you are a very big part of the equation. However, I can guarantee you that I will do whatever I can to make you succeed. I want you to become my next success story. As coaches, we are in the human capital industry and you are my human capital, you define my success. So you can count on me doing everything needed to help you succeed. One of my core values is that I always keep my promises. For instance, I never use the snooze button. Because, setting the alarm is an agreement that I make with myself. When I would use the snooze button, I’m already breaking the first promise that I have made for that day. And when I can’t keep a promise I’ve made with myself, how can I guarantee I keep the promises I have made with my clients? That is to show you how committed I am. Of course, you don’t need to take my word for it, you can also check out the testimonials  and endorsements that I have received. Check out my LinkedIn profile what people think and say about me or go directly to the testimonials page on the website.

When this satisfies you and you want to grow and invest in yourself, click the button and plan a discovery call via zoom.