Follow your Passion episode 13 – Jennifer Conroyd, founder of Fluid Running

“Crossing that finish line was my “Aha” moment” – Jennifer Conroyd

Please welcome my guest Jennifer Conroyd, founder of Fluid Running, a deep water running fitness company. Jennifer is an ironman and has completed 16 marathons, qualifying for the Boston marathon 15 times.

In 2010, Jennifer had an injury that left her unable to run in preparation for the Chicago marathon. Since this one was special, she searched for ways to keep in shape and discovered that running in deep water made that possible. She ran exclusively in deep water for 6 weeks prior to the race and not only did she finish that race, she also qualified for the Boston marathon.

She immediately saw the potential and Fluid Running was born. Fluid running offers group classes that Men’s Journal voted as one of the best workouts in America and Jennifer’s company recently launched the “Fluid Running” app making this unique deep water workout available globally.

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Follow your Passion Podcast with host Erwin Wils

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