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Erwin Wils for Brainz Magazine on Overcoming The Fear Of Public Speaking: An Introvert’s Guide

Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking: an Introvert’s Guide

Fear of Public speaking

Public speaking: some love it, most of us hate it. And yet, when you want to become successful as an entrepreneur, you need this skill. Because you need to become visible. You need to promote your product or service. you need to pitch your company and yourself. After all, you don’t want to become the best kept secret on the Internet, right?

but where doest this fear come from? Let’s first analyse the word FEAR:





It’s all in our mind. We worry about things that didn’t happen yet and that makes us nervous. So how do we overcome this fear of public speaking? Hopefully my tips will help.

Introvert versus extravert

When talking about public speaking, a lot of people think about extraverted people, taking center stage, enjoying the attention of the audience. I dare to bet that nobody will think of an introverted person. Yet I am an introverted person by nature and I enjoy public speaking! I also know that a lot of entrepreneurs are introverted as well and they don’t enjoy public speaking, presenting or even pitching. So what’s the difference? It is mindset. And focus. Having the wrong focus and mindset limits you in your entrepreneurship and it shouldn’t. That’s the reason why I share my tips with you, so that you can change your mindset and start enjoying it as well. Of course, you can always contact me if needed.

Six tips to make Public Speaking easier

When you want to improve your public speaking skills and get rid of the nerves bothering you, my six tips will definitely help. Check out the article I wrote for Brainz Magazine and use it to your advantage. Click on the picture for the article:

Erwin Wils for Brainz Magazine on Overcoming The Fear Of Public Speaking: An Introvert’s Guide

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